The work “Relics of the Analogue” consists of 3 large size photographs on photo rag paper, each one pinned to the wall, and accompanied by a framed A4 size document , coming from Wikipedia, giving information on each of the producing companies of the 3 devices that are subject of each photograph, and each document printed in the Wikipedia style.
These 3 devices were, in the analogue era, icons in the field they were used, not only by their quality and possibilities, but also by their design and status in their respective markets.
Nowadays each of them has become more or less obsolete or old fashioned, and thus features a high degree of nostalgic value.
I have photographed these items in the fashionable advertising style of those days, each on a background with references.
The Beaulieu camera is shot on a copy of “Les Cahiers de Cinema”, a very popular film magazine in the “Nouvelle Vague” period, in which time also the Beaulieu cameras entered the market.
The Memorex cassette has as countenance title “The people united…”, a composition by Frederic Rzewski, an avant-garde composer, and his portrait appears through the transparent lid of the cassette case. Memorex was famous for their nice product design.
The Polaroid instant camera lies on a large size (20×25 cm) Polaroid picture, depicting “La Modification”, a former work of mine.
Subjects more or less identical, like landscapes, corresponding conceptual explorations often incite me to making serial works, wich reinforce the idea the works.